viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2016

It hitchhiker on the road, she climbed into a truck and was raped

The incident occurred on Wednesday around 16, when the young hitchhiker at the entrance to Mar del Plata to reach his home in Coronel Vidal and at kilometer 335 of the route climbed into a truck that was driven by a Chilean 50 who offered to take, indicated spokesmen.

According to investigators, she told then that as soon boarded the truck did not feel comfortable and sent a message by Whatsapp to a friend who lives in the city of Tandil to warn him that he was afraid that something might happen or that man raped her.

Upon reaching the area Vivoratá, 60 kilometers from Mar del Plata, the truck driver stopped the march, said the truck doors and raped her.

Then continued the journey with the victim on board, although about 100 meters before reaching Coronel Vidal she decided to throw the truck and the driver continued his march.

When the accused assailant arrived at the police station vial Coronel Vidal was intercepted by police who had been alerted by the mother of the victim and had cut the route.

The truck driver was arrested and lodged in the Criminal Bataan, where it was available to the prosecution Decentralised led by Diego Benedetto, who was charged with the crime of "sexual abuse with sexual intercourse."

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